MyOutdoorTV Free Movie The Gentlemen
release Date: 2019
liked It: 120547 Votes
Runtime: 113 M
cast: Matthew McConaughey
Mickey Pearson is an American expatriate who became rich by building a highly profitable marijuana empire in London. When word gets out that he's looking to cash out of the business, it soon triggers an array of plots and schemes, including bribery and blackmail from shady characters who want to steal his domain
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Thoroughly enjoyed this movie. It's hilarious, fast paced and very clever from start to finish.
Each of the cast members are in fine form with special mentions to Hugh Grant and Colin Farrell who are both responsible for delivering some of the movies funniest moments.
Go and watch this movie. It is superb.
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I've just heard a very annoying critic say after watching 'the Gentlemen' Its like going back to 2002 again. PFFFFFT!
Yes, the film has the Same fast paced stylised editing that we're used to, but due to fantastic performances, especially from Mathew McConaughey and Hugh Grant, the characters feel more rounded. One line witty 'Landan' Sarcasm is all still there, just with added finesse, you will really love spending time with these guys.
However, Henry Golding doesn't really have much to do but is charming all the same (not doing his Bond chances any harm. Unfortunately it's the Women that suffer, only one good female performance from Michelle Dockery, who always manages to hold her own. Maybe Guy is just a guys' guy and therefore writes better for... you know. guys.
Where this film really comes to life is when the familiar old school' gentlemen' gangsters cross paths with the younger generation. Bringing the film right in line with the you tube genaration, an amazing"fight " scene picks the pace up ten fold.
The bewilderment of the old firm when trying to deal with the new is where it's at its most fun
(especially when it takes a sub machine gun to get a point across. With the only bridge being offered by a never better Colin Farell.
We have a film that is set in the "here and now" and not in 2002, although unmistakingly a "Guy Ritchie" film, it's very different from his original two and definitely worth a trip to the cinema.
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Free movie the gentlemen 2016.
The Gentlemen
This is definitely for Guy Ritchie fans, I like his movies so for me it's a must see.
What was good
Strong acting from the whole cast and Hugh Grant was brilliant.
Comprehensive highly stylish plot delivered in a tongue in cheek manner.
Tight directing and editing.
What was more challenging
Very slow and inaccessible start, it took the best part of 45 minutes to warm up.
Labyrinthine plot that was more than a challenge to follow.
Quite repetitive in places and a need for less talk more action.
Overall I liked this movie but others walked out in droves clearly bored by a talking gangster movie.
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